The day(s) is finally here! Well, not quite, but it’s another step closer. If you have been following along and/or followed my posts in order, you’ll see the crazy ups and downs I’ve been going through at work. All of this, colliding with my lease ending on June 30th and my dream of being full time RVing. Let me recap first.
Ok, you can see I’m not completely crazy. How ironic, three hours after I finish moving the major truck load, I get an email to not go overseas anymore. Ok, what does this mean to me, what do I feel? Hmm, great questions. I think as I write this two days later I’m still contemplating if I’m doing the right thing? Well, yes – the more I think about it, the more I know my heart is set on buying a RV and getting to see the country. This means, I’m now going to really buckle down, focus hard, and save every penny and dime I can.
Moving into the storage unit was a fast paced and quick rush. I didn’t get the truck until after work, and the unit I got for storage is climate controlled, but due to it being indoors, the unit is restricted to 9pm. Getting the truck at 6pm meant a quick load, and quick unload. Does the storage unit need to be repacked, absolutely! But, my main goal is to get out of the house before the end of this month which will give my landlord an extra 30 days to get it listed and another tenant in here. For me, most of the month of May will include out of town trips – I’m schedule for a trip to our HQ in Raleigh next week, and then my festival and Key West plans are still (now) back on. That just leaves me with about 6 nights in the month to be here. I figured why not let the land lord know it’s vacant, give him time to list it and pray I get my entire deposit back :). For now, most of what I need is in storage, but I’ll be working hard tonight and tomorrow to get the remaining pieces out. The fortunate thing – my piano I listed for sale and it is being picked up on Saturday afternoon. That’s one less thing for me to store!
I am very thankful for Goodwill Industries. I have been able to provide limitless amounts of bad impulse previous purchases to them. From USB cables, printers, LCD monitors, TVs, bookshelves, DVD players, dishes, appliances, kitchen accessories, and now about a full closet worth of clothes. I waited to pack my closet until the very end for many reasons – mostly because I still needed clothes! But, I had a ton of clothes in my walk in closet, probably so many I couldn’t walk into that closet. These ranged from work polo’s to dress shirts to athletic wear, to random costumes. These all hung nicely (most of them, except for the random floor piles) in the closet untouched for years.
I finally decided now is the time to really mix and match and pair down the outfits. I didn’t need 68 polos. I picked 10 of the nicest. Same with the dress shirts, pants, jeans, etc. The rest, I piled up to take to my local Goodwill. Goodwill is one of the organizations throughout my consulting career which I’ve been able to not only help, volunteer, and assist with, but I’ve actually been able to witness the amazing support they provide to the local community. One of our customers previously worked very closely with them, and it was always an inspiration to see someone get rewarded. I hope that I never need the assistance but I know it will be nice to be able to have an organization such as Goodwill to lean on if the need ever arises. They really do so much for everyone. And all but one visit have the employees been overly cheerful, helpful, and nice. Always a smile on their face, it’s a great reward knowing your belongings are going to help someone in need.
Work has been quite busy today, with it being the end of the month. I have one month left in my lease, but my travel taking me out of town for the next 11 days, I figured I really need to buckle down and get out of the house as quick as possible! So, my goal is to work really hard and finish packing the remaining few things, start cleaning, and be ready to vacate by Sunday. I have an extra day or two cushion if I need it but right now the plan is to be home/rent free as of Sunday (minus I’ve already paid my month’s rent). Here’s to getting off the computer, getting to packing, and dreaming of a sweet RV purchase ahead of me soon. Wish me luck.
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