WOW! Where does time go? After spending eight weeks “mooch docking” at my parent’s house in Charlotte, I’m finally on the move! A lot has happened over the last eight weeks, and for that I’m grateful! New shocks, sway bar links, a new desk, cleaning out my 10×30′ storage to getting the RV cleaned up has been a necessary evil. And, I can’t forget the most important part – I finally got my gas leak fixed! (Yea, there was no leak – apparently after 60 months the LP Gas Leak Detector has to be replaced, causing the LP Gas valve to fail safe closed – with that closed, no gas leaves the tank (and I’m even more baffled how Camping World couldn’t find that). Finally, I successfully avoided the nasty hurricanes we’ve had on the east coast.
So, today I get the joys and excitement for starting my journey south, again. Hopefully this time I won’t be threatened with any hurricanes – but freezing temperatures do worry me a bit (thankfully, I have working heat!)
The Drive
Departure Time: 1:20 PM
Departure Place: Charlotte, NC
Departure Weather: Overcast, Raining, 47 degrees
Starting Mileage: 36,410.7
Ending Mileage:
Starting Fuel Level: 3/4
Ending Fuel Level: 3/8
Generator: 370.5
Arrival Time: 4:10 PM
Arrival Place: Thousand Trails Carolina Landing, Fair Play, SC
Overall, the drive was very well. Loved the new shocks – the ride definitely made a difference. I no longer hear the rattling on the front end that I had heard, and other than needing to replace the chasis battery again (thankfully it was under warranty and I found out on a quick test drive to get air in the tires before leaving Charlotte), it seemed to run perfect.
I did also end up stopping at the rest area crossing the border into South Carolina to take a quick break, grab my jacket and turn on the furnance! It defintely got chilly on the way down.
The Arrival
When I arrived, it was a bit later than I would have preferred, but it was still fairly early. I arrived about 15 minutes prior to the rain, but by the time I unhooked the car, drove to find a campsite, and parked the RV, it was pouring quite heavily! Oh well, setup was a bit easy, but I debated how much to actually setup as the site I’m in does not have a full hookup – so I’m left without sewer. I suppose it’s not the worst thing in the world, but the hassle of moving in a few days is probably not quite worth it. For now, I’ll get setup!
Overall, the sites are decent. The campground is small, no camp store or restaurant. Closest to town is a Dollar General, Love’s Truck Stop with an Arby’s and anything else you will find is about a 15 – 20 minute drive to Anderson, SC. Friendly and flexible staff. Two take-aways – I wish the sites were a bit more inviting – it seems to have some water run off issues with outdated sites, and the second is I really wish they would do something with the Adult lodge and old pool. The old pool (they have two) has been closed for years, but it still exists with nasty water in it! Either clear it out and use the space or renovate it. Otherwise, a decent campground.
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